Drug Abuse Help, Alcohol Abuse Help, Referral, United States
Do you or someone you love need help with drug abuse or alcohol abuse? Are drugs or alcohol
causing problems in your life or the life of someone close to you? Then you
have come to the right place for help. This website was created to help assist
you in locating treatment for alcohol and drug abuse.
Drug abuse and alcoholism can have devastating effects often accompanied by feelings of hopelessness but there are solutions and one should not give up. Whether it is alcohol abuse, cocaine abuse, heroin abuse, methamphetamine abuse, prescription drug abuse or any other drug, recovery is possible if you recieve the effective help for your specific abuse problem. First and foremost, it is important to understand that an addiction to drugs and alcohol abuse are not diseases, they are habits (bad habits). A habit is defined by the dictionary as,
"A recurrent, often unconscious pattern of behavior
that is acquired through frequent repetition. An established disposition of
the mind or character. An addiction, especially to a narcotic drug."
With this in mind, one can help change their habits from bad to good with time, determination, and accurate information about drug and alcohol recovery.
Depending on the extent of drug and alcohol abuse, there are many different types of treatments
available. For severe drug and alcohol problems, there are detoxification and treatment
programs that require the patient to stay either in a hospital or treatment
center. Also, there are programs that are administered at a clinic. This is
the type of program that an individual can attend daily. Treatments for less
severe problems include individual, family, or couple's therapy. Also, there
are many support groups available for alcohol and drug abusers and their family members or
loved ones.
- Drug and alcohol use and abuse is preventable.
- Get educated. Know the facts. Once you do, you will realize that it
is not worth endangering your career, your health, your relationships,
and your future.
- Avoid peer pressure. Think ahead about how to say "no."
- Avoid situations where people will be drinking and using drugs. Get
involved in non-drinking activities.
- Confront your problem if you have one.
- Get help for the underlying problems of family, relationships, anxiety
or depression.
- Educate others.
- How do I know if I need help with my drug or alcohol problem?
- increased frequency of use
- loss of control over frequency, duration and/or amount of use
- drinking or using when you don't intend to
- substance use interferes with life activities (i.e. school, relationships
with family and friends)
- increased spending money on substance of choice
- personality changes noted by self and others
- getting into risky/dangerous behaviors
- other people express concern about your use/ your behavior
- missing appointments
- legal trouble (i.e., DUI)
- When drug and alcohol use becomes severe you may experience:
- loss of friends (except perhaps other alcohol and drug users)
- negative changes in appetite with possible weight loss
- possible reduction or loss of libido (sex drive)
and/or only able
to perform when using
- extreme mood swings, including anger and depression
- obsessions about using or procuring drug when not under the influence
- lying about drug to use to friends and loved ones
- loss of memory for times when under the influence
- uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms when not using
- involvement in crime to support habit
- loss of energy and general health
- you are increasingly unable to believe your own denial and excuses
- How can getting treatment help?
- help clarify your pattern of abuse
- help identify how your life has been affected
- help create strategies to decrease your use
- help identify related issues that may contribute to your abuse
At times you may wonder if you have a problem with alcohol and or drugs. The
following questions are intended to help you determine whether your use pattern
should be of concern. Here are some questions to explore:
- What are the effects you hope to get from 'using'? e.g. to be more sociable,
to be liked and 'fit in' with your friends, to relax, to forget about painful
experiences, feelings or thoughts, to be more creative, express what is
on your mind, etc.
- Are you 'using ' by yourself?
- Has your pattern of drug use changed since you first started?
- Has your tolerance changed? e.g., does it take more alcohol now to feel
a buzz?
- Do you have trouble with your memory?
- Do you use on a regular basis?
- during every party/ social gathering
- every weekend
- several times a week
- daily
- If you are using alcohol, is it difficult to stop after two or three drinks?
- When you attend a social gathering, is it the availability of alcohol
and/or drugs that "makes the party"?
- Did you use to have personal goals that are now hard to get motivated
- When under the influence, do have great plans to write, compose or do
something special, but somehow never follow through?
- Have your leisure activities become more limited? e.g. you no longer play
tennis, hike as much, read for leisure, etc...
- Have you changed your circle of friends based on their 'using 'habits?
- Do you feel annoyed when others remark on your 'using' habits?
- Do you put yourself at ease by thinking your substance use is no different
from that of your friends; that using is part of partying which is part
of being an adult....etc....
- Do you at times think about 'cutting' back, but never get around to it?
- Did you previously enjoy your work and now have trouble attending your
- Do you participate in risk-taking behaviors, at times even after experiencing
negative consequences? e.g. having unprotected sex, driving under the influence
- Do you have financial difficulties as a result of your substance use?
- Do you ever feel guilty/ ashamed about your behavior when under the influence?
- Do you have alcoholism or addiction in your family history?
If any of your responses to the questions raise concerns, further exploration
of your drug use would be of help for you. Your concerns deserve your attention
regardless of what the final assessment might be.
If you fear that you are creeping too far in to drug use, or one of your friends
is, seek help or talk to your friend about what you see happening. Consulting
with a trained professional in either case is a good idea; some valuable information
and support becomes available once you take that step. And if you vehemently
deny, or your friend denies, that drug use is a problem that often indicates
there is a problem. To get one's life back under control requires using less
(or not at all); if you can't do it on your own, seek help.
Drug-help.com is dedicated to finding the correct help for your specific drug abuse or alcohol abuse problem. Our referral network encompasses the following treatment categories. You can overcome drug or alcohol abuse and we can help. Contact us today for free consultation.
Alcohol Help
Cocaine Abuse Help
Crack Cocaine Abuse Help
Ecstasy Abuse Help
Heroin Abuse Help
Marijuana Abuse Help
Meth Abuse Help
Alcohol Abuse Help
Drug Abuse Help
Drug Help
Substance Abuse Help
Help for Drug Abuse
Help for Drug Addiction
Prescription Drug Abuse Help